Thursday, April 26, 2012

A Mysterious Call


Today at 2:28 PM, (according to the phone) my Mom got a call from the JDRF.
Apparently they want to meet with her next Thursday, but they didn't tell her why.

What is going on?
What does this call mean?
When will Sarah's Mom find out the truth?

Proof of this mysterious call.
Stay tuned for next weeks episode.  
I mean
blog post.

Moral of Story: I ask way too many questions...

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Where's That Insulin? (Wordless Wednesday)

Can you see the insulin among other smelly stuff on my bookshelf?
*And on a completely irrelevant side note:
I had Skittles, and I didn't cover them. Later I was 185.

Moral of Story: Am I Cured!?

(Sorry for the bad quality, this was taken with my phone since my camera had even worse quality photos.)

Friday, April 20, 2012

I'm such a rebel!

Look at me, being rebellious not going to school, blogging instead.
I am so cool!

Just Kidding!

Even though I sometimes do want to skip school, I won't because my parents would stab me if I ever did. (Yeah, that is my motivation to stay in school, that I hate getting in trouble, and I want to be a vet, which involves going to school. So really, that isn't my main motivation.

Really, how does that happen?
I'm sitting at home in my pajamas because I have high blood sugar AND large ketones. YAY!

My pump site went bad last night, so I changed it, but I think that one went bad because I woke up at 414, and the cannula was bent in a U shape.
I would really like to hear someone explain how that is even possible. (It sounds complicated.)

So, now I am sitting at home, drinking water, going on the internet, and waiting for my blood sugar to go down. Then I can go back to school.

Moral of Story: I'm not actually a rebel, and I don't like the letter U.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Yay, break time!

What goes on in the mind of a teenage diabetic during standardized testing:

The night before:
  • Ugh. I should have covered that snack. I better test my blood, so tomorrow is less hectic.
  • Not that bad, I better cover it.
  • WAIT! Why do I feel low?
  • *tests blood* Never mind, 118.
The morning of:
  • PLEASE BLOOD SUGAR GODS: Give me good blood sugars today.
  • Oh, that's good, 143.
  • UGH, now I have to test it again for the nurse, even though it has only been 1 hour since I ate.
  • Yes, I'm still good!
 During the test:
  • Oh no, I feel low.
  • WAIT it might be because I am reading a restaurant menu for part of the reading section.
  • Valid point, Sarah.
  • I want to go on Tumblr.
  • I'm glad I took so long to check my work, It is break time!
During the break:
  • FOOD!!!
During the second half of the test:
  • ...
  • I'm still hungry.
And that's it!

Moral of Story: I have some interesting stories to share with you guys later...

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Quicktastic Post

What does this fantastic word "Quicktastic" mean?

Well here is the official Saraheese Dictionary Definition:
Quicktastic- Adjective -
A something short and quick to read or listen to that is amazing or fantastic.
Wow, Sarah's new blog post was sure quicktastic!
(Wow, I just used all three word emphasizing elements, bolding, underlining, and italicizing!)

So now that you know what "Quicktastic" means, now we can venture on into this quicktastic post!

I was making microwavable Pad Thai for dinner (I'm a great cook, aren't I?) and you have to pop holes into the plastic wrap before microwaving it. When I did this, it made a loud popping noise, so my dad asked,
"Are you breaking something?"


Me: Yes, I just break things when I get bored. No, I'm making Pad Thai and you have to pop holes in the plastic wrap.

Father: Oh, it just sounded like something was breaking.

Me: Yeah, I break things when I get bored.

Me: Yeah, I got bored when I was four, so I broke my pancreas."

To which he replied, "You should put that in a blog post!"

So, now you are reading the product of that conversation.

And Yes, my dad approved of the sarcasm in the conversation above.

I <insert name here> approve of the above sarcasm.

Yes, that was typed by my dad.

Moral of Story: Guess were I get my sarcasm.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Shorty Got Low. x8

Yes, that is from some obnoxious song that was popular when I was in 5th grade. I distinctly remember dancing to that song at the 5th grade dance with a broken left ring finger.

So why am I reminiscing about that song?
Because I am short (4' 11" and 3/4) and my blood sugar got really low today; 30.

I really don't know why it happened.
I woke up at about 5:30 AM because I felt low, and I was 67. I had 4 glucose tabs and ate the most disgusting cereal ever, wheat and barley cereal, but I added bananas to make it bearable because I was having a low blood sugar cereal craving.

I later told my dad to go buy me some cereal because I would die without it.

At 8:30 AM I tested my blood before I ate a *SUPER* healthy school breakfast of Eggo Cereal and Apple juice. I was 156. I covered it accordingly, 18 carbs for one mini bowl of Eggo cereal (the school requires you to buy two,) and an apple juice for 30 carbs.
8.25 units.

This is only 3 away from my lowest low, 27.
I was feeling low at 11:20, so I tested and I was 30.
I had 8 glucose tabs, and 1/3 of a Clif bar, for a total of 47 carbs.
I also suspended my pump, and forgot to resume it until it beeped at me when I didn't get my basal.

I have no idea what I did wrong.

Moral of Story: Short people do get low.

P.S- The name of that song is Low by Flo Rida. (Look it up at your own discretion, It is rated PG-13.)

Better Late than Never!

I've decided to participate in WEGO Health's Health Activist Writer's Month Challenge, even though I am 9 days late. I've seen it pop up on other blogs, so I decide I wanted to try it out. So, Let's go!

Keep calm and carry on. Write (and create) your own Keep Calm and Carry On poster. Can you make it about your condition? Then go to and actually make an image to post to your blog.

How do you prevent highs?
  • Test your blood sugar regularly.
  • Change sites.
  • Remember to cover food.
That is it.

Monday, April 2, 2012

You know your pump is old when...

  1. It repeatedly tells you that it is not primed when it is site change day.
  2. Your screen has at least 5 visible scratches on it.
  3. You cannot see the screen in direct daylight.
  4. The white letter are more pink than white.
  5. You are counting down the days until the warranty expires.
  6. The paint/coloring of your pump is chipping off.
  7. The symbols/words on the buttons are fading.
  8. You can't wait until the new pump you want is FDA approved.
  9. No one understands how that could have been new technology four years ago.
Evidence of the oldness.
There you go, I just had to get that out of my brain, because my pump has told me three times today that it isn't primed.

Moral of Story: My pump is old.