Wednesday, November 27, 2013

A little yell-fest.

Sometimes, people annoy me to no end and no matter what I do, I just can't deal with them. So, I end up ranting and this happens:

Here's a list of things that I just really want to yell at the world right now:

a) Stop telling me about how your uncle has type 2 or how you friend's cousin's aunt's best friend died of complications. I don't really care. You telling me about how other people have died from the chronic illness I deal with every day of the year does not help me; It makes me feel like crap. I already worry if I'm even gong to wake up the next morning sometimes because of a sneaky low, so telling me about the unfortunate events your family members have gone through does not motivate me to be a better diabetic. It also doesn't help me 'connect' with you. It makes me want to escape from your presence as soon as possible.

b) DO NOT MAKE DIABETES JOKES IN FRONT OF ME. I do not care if you thought it was funny; joking about eating candy giving you diabetes does not lighten the mood. It just perpetuates stereotypes about diabetes and makes more people look at me oddly when I mention being diabetic.

c) Do not hesitate to give me candy because your friend would, "Eat whatever she wanted and then dial in more insulin since she was a bad diabetic, as you look at my insulin pump." I'm not your friend and eating then giving insulin through an insulin pump is not being unhealthy/uncontrolled: THAT IS WHAT A PUMP IS SUPPOSED TO DO.*

d) Don't tell me about how your friend had "brittle diabetes" and make jokes about it around me. There is no such thing as brittle diabetes and making diabetic jokes is insensitive and cruel. (See b.)*

e) Think before you say something rude and insensitive.

Moral of the Story: Rant = Over (For now, at least.)

*My current Spanish teacher did both of those things and I dislike her immensely for it.

(Also, I'm counting this as my kind of sort of post for the DSMA blog carnival for November; this rant applies to the topic. Here's the required text: This post is my November entry for the DSMA Blog Carnival. If you would like to participate too, you can get all of the needed information from here.)

Monday, November 18, 2013

The Irony of It All

This month is national diabetes awareness month and I haven't posted a single blog post for two months, I haven't participated in a #dsma chat in who knows how long, and I've barely read any of my favorite diabetes blogs this month. You're probably wondering about why on earth would ever do any of this, especially in November. It's mainly because of tons of schoolwork (and I know I've said that for months, but  only say it because it is 1000% true) and burnout.

I have at least three hours of homework nightly and don't get home until around 6 because of extracurricular, so that equals at least staying up until ten if I am feeling super-productive, but it's more like me staying up until 12 because of many distractions, most of them from the internet. I'm taking a pretty heavy course load this year, so that obviously contributes to my immense amounts of homework I have to do. If I don't have physical homework to do, I have a book to read, notes to study, or some project that needs to be done which gives me little to no free time. (In case you're wondering, I'm typing this at 12:07 AM while I should really be doing a plasmid map for my biotech lab due today.)

Gerard has been under my pillow, pitifully with a dead battery for two months. This makes me sad.
And I've been in a lovely state of continuous diabetes burnout mainly because I haven't had my dexcom sensors in two months. They were supposed to be on auto-refill and I should have gotten them in the beginning of October; I obviously didn't get them. After calling Neighborhood Diabetes the company that distributes my sensors)/ dexcom/ our insurance company multiple times, my mom finally got them to ship my sensors on Thursday. They are hopefully going to be here today or tomorrow. We're looking into finding different companies that supply sensors because this is the third time that Neighborhood Diabetes has screwed up my sensors and I don't want this to happen again. I'm hoping that we can just buy from the dexcom store because I'm sure they actually care about me using their product enough to ship our sensors at the right time.

I am annoyed to the nth degree right now because of Neighborhood Diabetes' general lack of care about my health since they obviously can't send my sensors to me on time. WHAT IS THE POINT OF HAVING A CGM THAT I CAN'T USE BECAUSE OF THE IDIOTS THAT SUPPOSEDLY 'CARE' ABOUT MY DIABETES WON'T SEND THEM TO ME ON TIME? (Sorry, I had to get that out of my system.) There are curse words that I don't use for these kind of people.

Needless to say, my life has been stressful due to factors outside of my control, so I've had to limit the amount of time I've been spending on my blog. And that genuinely sucks.

Moral of the Story: I might as well just order my sensors in bulk, so I don't have to deal with this again.