Tuesday, May 13, 2014

#dblogweek Day Two: Poetry Tuesday

Happy Tuesday, everyone! You are 40% finished with this week already. Today I'll be bringing you some poetry in accordance with today's prompt. I decided to do some research and find a new (to me) type of poem to write. I found the style of poem called the tanka. (Or 短歌 in Japanese, which means short poem.) It's similar to a haiku because it has a line of 5 syllables, 7 syllables, then 5 syllables, but differs because it has two lines with 7 syllables following the last line of 5 syllables. 

The Prompt:
This year, Diabetes Blog Week and TuDiabetes are teaming up to bring out the poet in you! Write a poem, rhyme, ballad, haiku, or any other form of poetry about diabetes. After you’ve posted it on your blog, share it on the No Sugar Added® Poetry page on TuDiabetes, and read what others have shared there as well!

beta cells are destroyed
insulin isn't produced
a complete failure
could be defined as:
my nonworking pancreas

Well that was equal parts short and depressing. That's about it for my beautiful poetry making skills. (I may or may not have had to look up the number of syllables in the word insulin to make sure I was counting my syllables correctly. Oops...)

Moral of the Story: I may not be an expert at creating poetry, but I can definitely count syllables.

You can see everyone else's posts about today's topic here!


  1. Ah, the faulty pancreas... even a tanka it provides! Thanks for the poetry lesson - I remembered learning about this once upon a time years ago in school, but never really circled back on it. So great to learn it again, with a D-twist! And you totally got the syllables right... see, it's a D-skill from having to count all the carbs! :) Thanks for this, Sarah! :)

  2. Not only did I get a poem, but I got a poetry lesson! You captured diabetes in a short form quite well. :)

  3. Your 5-line tanka did a good job of summing up Type 1 diabetes. And taught me a poetry lesson in the process. Love the title of your blog and look forward to investigating it after dBlogWeek is over.


Enough from me, I want to hear from you!